
We proudly present JCI Cebu’s exceptional publication, The Nucleus, as a contender for the prestigious title of Best Local Publication in the 2023 JCI Philippines National Conference.

This year’s bid, “Etching Legacies With Ink and Impact,” personifies the publication’s responsibility to inspire, empower, and transform lives. Within its pages, The Nucleus showcases activities, achievements, and the profound change JCI Cebu has offered to the community. Moreover, JCI Cebu unveiled its limited-edition Coffee Table Book to celebrate the organization’s 75 glorious years for its Diamond Anniversary. As a harmonious fusion of aesthetics, substance, and digitization, it provides a captivating reading experience that resonates with its diverse audience.

As the face of proactive journalism, inked with marvelous compositions etched as the legacy of the Cebu Jaycees, we submit the Nucleus for consideration as the Best Local Publication, confident that its excellence and impact will shine brightly to the esteemed judging panel.