
President Marc’s tenure as President of JCI Cebu has been marked by remarkable achievements and impactful initiatives — from “The JCI Cebu Active Engagement Roadmap,” a strategic blueprint that has propelled the chapter to achieve 175% membership growth milestone in six months, to the first “Cebu-based Asia-Pacific Cultural Exchange Marathon” with JCI Korea and JCI Malaysia in June.

His leadership has demonstrated a new promising beginning for JCI Cebu as he successfully raised P8.03M in funds through partnership deals and income-generating projects, while bringing together diverse stakeholders for 150+ flagship community projects. His emphasis on collaboration and collective impact aligns with the JCI Plan of Action’s goals, garnering commendations from other non-JCI organizations.

President Marc’s visionary approach, commitment to membership growth and financial sustainability, dedication to global cooperation and partnerships have propelled JCI Cebu to new heights, leaving lasting impact on the organization, its members, and the communities we serve.