
How do you inject fun while ensuring your projects are human centric and innovative? JCI Cebu just did that with a workshop and even went around on a tour to reach more people to brainstorm with. Even went to Malaysia to ideate a potential collaboration project which by the way realized it. JCI Cebu led a tour to produce a fun, intensive training session – Championing Empathy, Expansive training and Experimentation with a blasting design thinking workshop(CEEEBoom!) in SK Tisa, JCI Cebu, JCI Sibu Malaysia. Design Thinking is an approach to problem seeking and problem-solving, relying heavily on empathy, ideation and experimentation to drive innovative solutions that people love. Notable outputs realized includes the Project UGAT: innovative farming for schools through Hydroponics and the Cebu Heritage Nights – both international collaboration projects. Up next, we’ll visit JCIs Tanjung Aru Malaysia, JCI Sangju Korea, CV chapters and our Local Partners.