
“Healthy Smiles: Changing the World One Brush at a Time” responds to UN SDG’s call to Climate Action in its final development stage through education and economic empowerment. The program’s purpose is to strengthen the industry for climate change mitigation towards environmental sustainability and economic recovery. The program was able to:

  • Education & Awareness. Participate, with over 100 delegates, in nation-building through the 1st Philippine Bamboo Summit.
  • Community Engagement. Build a strong proactive community of volunteers engaged in environmental action through planting 1,000 Giant Bamboo Propagules by over 300 Volunteers.
  • Sustainable Lifestyle. Elevate Individual, Community & Business Lifestyles through the production and usage utilization of 1,000 bamboo toothbrushes and 1,000 bamboo straws.

With a total of Php 443,000- worth of products & services through partnerships and sponsorships, we were able to successfully run our Local Global Goals Program in 3 Development Stages.